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At Agro-Region, the crop rotation plan for the 2025 harvest has been approved

07. 06. 24

Despite the weather fluctuations in April and May, the agricultural crops in the fields of the Agro-Region Group of Companies are developing well and show promise of reaching the planned yield targets.

This is noted by the company’s chief agronomist, Yuriy Lysak.

“The Agro-Region team successfully conducted the spring sowing, even though the weather posed some challenges. April broke many temperature records, causing crops to develop rapidly. However, May brought frosts and was dry, with rains only arriving at the end of the month,” he states.

Yuriy Lysak also adds that all technological operations were performed on time, the crops withstood the weather conditions, and are developing according to the norms. Currently, crop care is ongoing, with herbicides, growth regulators, and fungicides being applied.

“The company is already preparing for the new season. Agro-Region is in the process of budgeting for the 2025 harvest. The crop rotation structure has been preliminarily agreed upon. No significant changes are planned, except for a 40% increase in the area under winter rapeseed, which the crop rotation allows,” adds the chief agronomist.

According to him, the company plans to start harvesting rapeseed and winter wheat in the first decade of July.

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