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Kateryna Rybachenko: Ukraine will be the best place on Earth for investment, but the war must end

03. 07. 24

Ukraine will be the best place on Earth for investment, but the war must end.


Ukraine will be the best place on Earth for investment, but the war must end.


Vice President of UCAB Kateryna Rybachenko emphasized this during the online discussion “Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 in Berlin: What’s in for the Ukrainian Agrifood Sector.”


“We continue to work during the war and are ready to invest more — buying wagons, increasing our own truck fleet, updating equipment, building additional storage facilities, and investing in alternative energy. During the conference in Berlin, there was a lot of talk about biofuels, biogas… All agribusinesses that currently exist and operate in Ukraine have similar projects on the table. But everything depends on guarantees, as no one wants to build a plant that could be destroyed by an enemy missile or drone in one day,” she noted.


Kateryna Rybachenko also highlighted the significant role of the Ukrainian government in improving the business climate, supported by recent news from the NBU about currency liberalization — allowing the transfer of dividends abroad and, no less important, the return of VAT.


“The return of VAT during the war works like clockwork; today, I am receiving VAT for April exports. The government also understands the importance of the agricultural sector for the country’s economy and allows us to reserve people for production processes. Fifty percent of our employees can continue to hold the economic front,” added Kateryna Rybachenko.


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