The Agro-Region Group has begun harvesting late crops, specifically soybeans (harvesting area – 8.5 thousand hectares) and sunflowers (10.7 thousand hectares).
This was reported by the Chief Agronomist, Yuriy Lysak.
According to him, the harvest has simultaneously started in the Kyiv and Chernihiv clusters, while in the Western cluster, they plan to begin threshing next week.
“A feature of this season is the early harvest of late crops, with combines entering the field a week earlier than usual. This is due to an early and warm spring, as well as a rather hot summer. However, despite the challenges, the quality of both soybeans and sunflowers meets contractual standards, which gives hope to achieve the planned yield,” he adds.
All of the company’s combines have been equipped with new headers with a width of 11 meters (previously, 7-9 meters were used), which will increase the productivity of the combines and reduce the number of rented combines needed.
Photos provided by Chief Agronomist Yuriy Lysak.