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Agro-Region has reduced plowing by 40%

15. 08. 24

Agro-Region Group is implementing soil protection technologies that, in the long term, improve field productivity. Gradually reducing plowing volumes, they are using organic fertilizers, ameliorants, and expanding the area under cover crops.


This was reported by Agro-Region’s Chief Operating Officer, Volodymyr Kravtsov.


“The company continues to apply various types of extensive soil cultivation according to crop rotation, mainly Strip-till, Mini-till, and No-till. Overall, plowing has been reduced to 40%, and currently, it accounts for 37% of the total soil cultivation area across the group of companies,” added Volodymyr Kravtsov.


According to him, rapeseed sowing for the 2025 harvest began with a switch to strip-till seeders, tripling the area of simultaneous sowing, fertilizer application, and strip-till soil cultivation.


In addition, Agro-Region is studying advanced practices for the use of conceptually new high-performance wide-span equipment aimed at intensifying the productivity of a single crew. This year, after several years of testing, they launched a grain flow control system into industrial operation.


“As for cover crops, we are using a variety of annual grass mixtures. In the 2024-2025 offseason, the area under them has been increased almost fourfold,” concluded the Chief Operating Officer.


Photos provided by Chief Agronomist Yuriy Lysak.


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