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Agro-Region has digitized the accounting of the harvesting campaign

30. 07. 24


In the Agro-Region Group of Companies, to accelerate the harvesting campaign, paper “combine operator tickets” have been replaced with an electronic format.


This was stated by the head of the dispatch service, Nina Kharchenko.


According to her, electronic tickets are an effective solution for the company, which, in addition to speeding up the process during the harvest, also eliminates the human factor.


“The electronic ticket is generated based on data we receive from sensors in the monitoring system. The dispatch service verifies the information and sends it further to the accounting service, which in turn generates the appropriate tickets with the click of a button,” notes Nina Kharchenko.


The electronic ticket was developed by the innovative department of Agro-Region, which prescribed the necessary algorithms, taking into account the processes of the production, engineering, dispatch, and accounting services.


“Today, it is difficult to imagine effective agricultural production without innovative solutions. In addition to a clear understanding of the hectares completed and fuel consumed, there is now the possibility to understand the quality of technological operations performed,” adds Nina Kharchenko.


According to her, the on-duty operator of the dispatch service is available 24/7 and provides operational information every morning, verified with agronomists and the engineering service about the work done in the field.


Overall, the dispatch service of Agro-Region has been operating for 12 years as a well-coordinated team that ensures the efficiency of all processes in production, from controlling the route of machinery to accounting for the work performed.


“When I was offered to head the department, the company’s global plans included new projects, and accordingly, new challenges for me. I wasn’t prepared, but I went with a reliable team, and that drove us to figure out the new and improve the already effective processes,” recalls Nina Kharchenko.


She adds that the main value in Agro-Region is teamwork, so there is always someone to rely on, and it is easy to solve the tasks aimed at results.

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