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Agro-Region received two powerful generators from USAID

19. 07. 24


As part of the Agriculture Resilience Initiative (AGRI), launched by the United States through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Agro-Region Group of Companies received two generators with capacities of 80 kW and 420 kW for their production facilities in the Kyiv region.


The 420 kW generator has been in use at one of the elevators since the beginning of May this year. On average, the generator operates 8 hours a day and fully supports the operation of the elevator in the event of a power outage.


Agro-Region’s chief energy engineer, Maksym Rudnev, notes that if needed, the generator also supports the laboratory, administrative office, weighing station, grain cleaning equipment, grain drying, and the production workshop.


“Thanks to the generator, 58 employees continue daily work on grain shipment, having shipped 6,700 tons in two months,” he adds.


Meanwhile, the other generator with a capacity of 80 kW ensures the uninterrupted work of 156 employees. Without it, the efficiency of the company’s units would drop by 60%, as the main power outages occur during working hours.


For more information about the USAID “Economic Resilience Activity” project.

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