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At Agro-Region, they are already sowing winter rapeseed for the 2025 harvest, with the acreage increased by 40%

08. 08. 24

The Agro-Region Group has started sowing winter rapeseed. The plan is to sow 7,000 hectares, which is 40% more than last year.


According to the company’s press service, this is the largest area in the company’s history. The strategic decision to increase the acreage for this crop is driven by several factors: the crop is profitable, shows good yield and EBITDA per hectare, and fits well into the crop rotation.


In total, 9 seeding complexes are being used across the company’s three clusters, with two new seeders added this year.


The new equipment allows for several operations to be performed simultaneously: soil cultivation, fertilizer application, and sowing. Thanks to these soil-conservation technologies, the company efficiently manages soil resources, retains moisture, and saves on inputs.


The hybrid lineup has been updated with new and promising hybrids. Additionally, rains prior to the start of the sowing campaign provided sufficient moisture in the topsoil, giving hope for good germination and yields.


Photos provided by Chief Agronomist Yurii Lysak.


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