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Agro-Region hosted a first aid training session

15. 07. 24


In the Kyiv cluster of the Agro-Region Group of Companies, a first aid training session was organized for the team under the FAST Complex program.


Experts from FAST explained the difference between first aid and medical aid, emphasizing the crucial role of first aid in saving lives. The Agro-Region team learned a clear decision-making algorithm that can help preserve health and save lives.


The training included practical sessions on identifying and recognizing signs of critical bleeding, stopping it using tourniquets, and providing aid for non-critical bleeding with pressure bandages.


The Agro-Region team also gained skills on what to do when a person is not breathing, is choking, has an epileptic seizure, is experiencing hypothermia/heat stroke, stroke, or a heart attack.


“In today’s world, such skills are essential for everyone. I have read and listened to a lot of first aid material, but it’s all theory, while training with an instructor and practical exercises are much more beneficial and provide necessary skills. I was particularly interested in the myths about first aid that we all have heard since childhood. I would like to organize similar training for my entire department,” shared Kateryna Moroz, Executive Director of the Chernihiv cluster.

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