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Agro-Region Kozelets unites children of local communities

05. 06. 24


In the villages of Lykholitky and Patyuty within the Kozelets territorial community, events dedicated to Children’s Day were held with the support of the Agro-Region Kozelets enterprise as part of the “AgroWorkshop” project.


This was reported by the executive director of the Chernihiv cluster, Kateryna Moroz.


Specifically, the activities included workshops where children had the opportunity to create whimsical birds or cats inspired by the art of Maria Prymachenko, among other entertainments.


“The art of Maria Prymachenko is our culture, our art, and children are dreamers and inventors. The workshops were conducted using improvised materials, demonstrating that every item or material can be given a second life,” added Kateryna Moroz.


According to her, during the event, children also prepared small messages for our defenders, which the enterprise subsequently sends to the Ukrainian Armed Forces along with parcels.


“These included little angels and birds, where everyone wrote a wish,” specified Kateryna Moroz.


Agro-Region Kozelets has not supported communities for the first time, helping to organize events for children. For the New Year holidays, there was the “AgroMiracleFactory,” and the week before Easter, a workshop was organized for children from the Topolivka and Bulakhivka communities.


“We strive to give children the opportunity to communicate, and collaborative work facilitates this. We aim to create events where children spend time usefully and come together. We are delighted when local adults join our projects, adopting our experience and, at the same time, inspiring us,” summarized the executive director of the Chernihiv cluster, Kateryna Moroz.

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