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Agro-Region engages veterans without experience in the agricultural sector

25. 09. 24

The Agro-Region group of companies is open to collaboration with veterans who do not have experience in the agri-food sector.


This was stated by HR Director Khrystyna Pyvovar.


“The least we can do for veterans is to help them adapt to civilian life. We have made a strategic decision to involve people without experience in the agricultural sector and are ready to train interested individuals, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills at our company’s production facilities,” added Khrystyna Pyvovar.


In addition, Agro-Region is ready to provide free initial legal assistance to veterans during their integration into the team.


At the same time, Khrystyna Pyvovar noted that since the start of the full-scale invasion, 42 Agro-Region employees have joined the defense of the country. In addition to retaining their job positions, as required by law, the company also continues to provide financial support, which is not required by law.


“Unfortunately, we have had three instances of the loss of our defenders. The company has decided to provide the families of the deceased employees with one year’s salary. Of course, this will not ease the pain of loss, but we are making efforts to financially support the families of the fallen defenders,” said Khrystyna Pyvovar.


She also reminded that since 2016, the TractorEAST educational project has been operating at Agro-Region. Participants of the program gain skills in operating agricultural machinery and equipment through innovative and advanced technologies, allowing them to explore new career paths.


“The company’s commitment does not end with education. TractorEAST connects our graduates, who have acquired new skills and expertise, with potential employers, creating opportunities for a successful transition into the agri-food sector,” concluded Khrystyna Pyvovar.


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