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Agro-Region is building long-term partnerships with farmers

02. 09. 24


The Agro-Region Group of Companies is open to communication and exploring potential new collaborations with small and medium-sized agricultural producers around the company’s elevators. This is why the company works not only with long-term partner farmers but also adds dozens of new ones each year.


This was noted by Mykola Ostapchuk, Director of the Contract Execution Service.


“Our mission is to provide high-quality services to farmers around Agro-Region’s elevators. Every season, our partners go through an accreditation process within the company, where we verify their land bank, the availability of assets necessary for grain cultivation, and the financial state of the company. Only after this verification do we sign storage agreements or, immediately, contracts for the supply of goods,” he clarified.


The requirements for the grain purchased by Agro-Region are market-based: the grain must be of high quality and meet standards.


“Agro-Region primarily focuses on export, so the requirements for acceptance may change depending on the terms of contracts, and accordingly, the purchase price varies with the quality requirements,” Mykola Ostapchuk added.


When receiving grain and seeds at the elevator, each transport vehicle undergoes laboratory control.


“We take samples using an automatic sampler. First, we determine organoleptic indicators (color, smell) and physical characteristics (moisture and foreign impurities), and then, depending on the crop, for example, in sunflower, it’s oil content, which we determine using an NMR analyzer; in wheat, it’s protein content, specific weight, and gluten content. When accepting rapeseed and soybeans, we check each vehicle for GMOs and conduct quantitative analysis using an EnviroLogix reader,” summarized the Director of the Contract Execution Service.

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