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Agro-Region was visited by the distinguished U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

24. 07. 24

The distinguished U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink, the USAID Mission Director in Ukraine Julie Koenen, and representatives of the USAID “Economic Resilience Activity” visited the production facilities of the Agro-Region Group in the Kyiv region.


The Chairman of the Agro-Region Supervisory Board Aivaras Abromavicius, the Vice President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) Kateryna Rybachenko, and the Head of the Boryspil Elevator Vitaliy Shevchuk showed the guests how the company collaborates with local agricultural producers, receives grain at the elevator, checks its quality (moisture, test weight, impurities, GMOs) in the phytolab, loads it into wagons or sends it to the elevator for further processing and storage.

It is worth noting that as part of the “Agriculture Resilience Initiative — AGRI,” launched by the United States through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Agro-Region received 25 modern hopper wagons, two generators, two scales, two telescopic loaders, and grain trailers, which improved the company’s position and increased its capacity to meet the demand of the country’s agricultural market.


During the visit, the esteemed Madam Ambassador had the opportunity to speak with farmers from the Kyiv region, who in turn highlighted the challenges they are facing today, such as damaged agricultural machinery, mobilization of workers (drivers, combine operators), power outages, and expensive logistics.


“We have been working closely with Agro-Region for over eight years; for us, it is a reliable partner,” shares Pavlo Petrov, the owner of a farming enterprise from the village of Svytylnya in the Brovary district, who came to the meeting. “Every year I see how the company changes, becomes more modern, helps me understand export trends, and become more efficient and competitive. Despite power outages, weather conditions, and fuel price changes, we continue to sow grain. We believe that this year we will have the highest quality grain, so we will sell it at a good price.”

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